
Absence of Prohibited Substances in Chocolate and Cocoa Powder Statement


Absence of Prohibited Substances Statement

Santa Barbara Chocolate complies with the highest food quality and safety standards. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure they employ the proper quality procedures and food safety standards for all the products they supply to us.


-       NFL (National Football League) List of Prohibited Substances (2016)

-       WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) Prohibited List (2018)


Santa Barbara Chocolate confirms that to the best of our knowledge no prohibited substances listed in references above are added through its manufacturing processes of cocoa ingredients or chocolate products.


The WADA Prohibited List can be found at


*This communication is intended to provide advice to Santa Barbara Chocolate customers upon their request. Our interpretation of the law does not represent a formal legal opinion, as we have not sought concurrence with the competent authorities. Customers are encouraged to consult with their own legal counsel.